Your gluteus muscle – a.k.a. your butt, badonkadonk, booty, buttocks, derriere, bum, caboose, tush, fanny, rear, or rump.


We all have one so who doesn’t want a nice one? But, how do you develop a nice butt?

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in our body. Because the glutes are big, working them can increase your metabolic rate. Each glute assists with moving our thighs in different directions. We use our glutes during standing, they improve workout performance and prevents injuries. They assist with maintaining our balance, lifting, climbing, walking uphill, jumping, squatting, and sprinting.

Unfortunately, they are also one of the most neglected body parts. We work hard training, but it is usually only for a couple of hours. The rest of the time we spend sitting on our butts and not using them. This results in dormant, weak and undertrained gluteus with tight hip flexors, loss of strength, mobility, posture, power, low back pain and decreased athletic performance. We end up with knee pain, faulty mechanics while working out, weak ankles and feet, and if not exercising these muscles properly we are not sore when we should be. It also leaves us with a fanny that is as flat as a pancake.

Three muscles groups make up the glutes; the gluteus maximus, gluteus medium and gluteus minimus. The function of these muscle groups is to provide stability and movement between the femur and the pelvis.

The gluteus maximus is responsible for hip extension, external rotation, transverse abduction and adduction. It lies closest to the surface and attaches your pelvis to the upper thigh bone. The gluteus medium and gluteus minimus muscles are part of the dorsal gluteal musculature and perform similar functions. The gluteus medius assists with pelvic stabilization. The gluteus minimum helps keep the ball in the hip socket as you move. They assist with moving the thigh out to the side away from the opposite leg.When the hip is flexed, they move the thigh inwardly and with the hip extended, they move the thigh outward.

So, now that you have a little of the anatomy of the butt, how do you work it for optimal results? You are probably already working these muscles but you may just need to tweak your routine with your lower body exercises.

There is an old saying, “if you don’t use it, you lose it”. It’s time to start working those muscles so people don’t wonder how you keep your pants on without suspenders. 🙂

We can’t always get to the gym so here are some of my favorite exercises you can do at home.

The Body Weight Squat

Stand with your head facing forward, your chest held up and straight out, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your hands straight out in front of you, which will help you maintain your balance. You can also bend your elbows or clasp your fingers. Now, think of how you sit down. Push hips back, sit back and down like you are going to sit in a chair. Keep your head facing forward as you slightly bend your upper body. Slightly arch your lower back as you lower into the position. Lower down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, making sure that your knees are over your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels. Keep your body tight and push through your heels to bring yourself back up to the starting position.

Hip Thrust

Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Place your feet on the floor hip-width apart. Crunch and squeeze your abs and tilt your pelvic back so that your lower back is flat again the floor. Maintain this pelvic tilt throughout the entire exercise. Push through your feet and raise your hips as high as you can without arching your lower back. Maintain this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly reverse the movement. Elevate your shoulders, your feet or decreasing your base of support by placing your fingertips on your forehead will make this exercise harder.


Put one foot on a sturdy box or step with your weight placed on the center of a your foot. (You can do this going up and down stairs and on and off curbs.) Push your hips back and then stand straight up, squeezing the flute of your supporting leg at the top of the movement. Hold this position while keeping your hips and shoulders square and your body tall. Push your hips back again, and slowly lower your trailing foot to the floor with a count of 3 seconds back to the starting position.

Butt and Glute Kickbacks

Kneel down with one leg behind your body slightly raised and bent in a 90 degree position. Raise your leg as high as you can and slowly lower it to the starting position.

Ball Squats

Place an exercise ball in the small of your back while standing against the wall. In the standing position slowly lower your body keeping your knees behind your toes. Slowly lower your body until desired extension and than slowly raise your body by pressing off with your heels.

Hip/Lift Progression

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Lift your hips toward the ceiling.Extend one leg at the top of the lift. Keep your thighs parallel and hold the lifted position for about 5 seconds. Keeping your hips up, place your foot back on the floor and then lower your hips.Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds; switch sides and do the move for another 30 seconds on the other leg.

Single-leg, Straight-leg Deadlift

Pick up a pair of dumbbells and with an overhand grip just a bit farther than your shoulder width hold them at arms length in front of your hips. Create a tripod position with your front foot, keeping your knee soft with a slight bend. Stabilize the foot of your working leg into the floor and squeeze the glute of your trailing leg to maintain square hips. Push your hips and hamstrings back as far as you can while lifting your back leg off the floor as you do this. Your body should be parallel to the flow with a slight natural arch in your lower back. Pause and then push your hips forward and return to full standing position, squeezing your glutes at the top.

Everyone wants a nice tight butt so you look amazing in jeans… or in a bikini……  right? !


In a nutshell, it is important to develop your glutes and work hard on varying your workout to include thigh extending, abducting, and rotating exercises to optimize results. Also, remember that gaining excess body fat can result in a larger, rounder and softer tush. For a solid, rock-hard butt, pay attention to what you are eating and minimize fat storage by refining your calorie intake.

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About Connie and Tom

Connie and Tom are home business entrepreneur's and are changing the lives of others. Click here to Learn More About How To Change YOUR Life And Become Physically and Financially Free.

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