What Is Isagenix?

Isagenix® is an organic ‘food system’ that takes a balanced lifestyle approach to better supporting the body’s natural cleansing and replenishing needs. It is NOT a ‘diet’ BUT a sustainable ‘lifestyle’, not a ‘weight-loss program’ BUT a ‘body composition system’ that builds muscle while burning fat, and NOT a ‘fast or detox program’ BUT a ‘nutritional cleanse’ that supports the body’s natural cleansing/replenishing processes with whole-food nutrition. As the world’s FIRST & ONLY ‘total body, deep cellular nutritional cleansing and replenishing system’ it delivers many unique and diverse benefits for EVERY single cell and organic system from athletes to non-athletes. Being such a comprehensive system adaptable to all ages & goals, it is difficult to simplify too much beyond this.

Isagenix® is completely different to weight loss programs on the market ~ Why? Because it’s not a weight loss program. Isagenix® is a health program based on removing toxins (cleansing) & nourishing our bodies with the most nutrient dense food available (replenishing). Being overweight is a symptom of sub optimal health & when we improve our health, being overweight is one of many symptoms that improves. Mainstream ‘diets’ have a primary focus on weight loss instead of health & in fact weight loss on these programs occurs at the detriment of health i.e. nutrient restriction occurs along with calorie restriction. They really are completely incomparable programs.

When compared to 20 years ago, we are eating fewer calories per day – but the obesity epidemic continues to explode. 30 years ago the American Heart association told us to stop eating fat – yet heart disease is out of control. Calories are not this issue, fat is not the issue. Poor nutrition, stress and environmental toxicity are the key factors. Obesity is a multi-factorial issue, it takes a multi-factorial approach. Isagenix® promotes whole body cleansing and stress reduction – achieving amazing transformations and sustainable results. When you give your body great nutrition, reduce your stress and clean out the junk and you’ll be amazed at the side effects.

Side effects can include:

  • Weight Loss
  • Lean Muscle Gain
  • Increased Energy
  • Improved Sports Performance & Faster Recovery
  • Cleansed Systems
  • Better gut health
  • A More balanced feeling body
  • Mental Clarity
  • Improved Sleep Quality

In summary, the program is designed to release harmful impurities, the adaptogens help reduce oxidative stress and Whey Protein shakes feed the body with the right nutrients accompanied by enzymes to help absorption of key nutrients. When oxidative stress is reduced, accompanied by the body absorbing the right key nutrients, the body is better able to function in the manner it is meant to. Results of which are [as above] better sleep, mental clarity, more energy, less bloating, better bowel movements, loss of unwanted fat, leaner muscles and the list goes on. Results may differ with each person but definitely better health and well-being is accomplished ~ it’s a no-brainer