Pure Undenatured Whey Protein

Isagenix® uses only the highest-quality undenatured whey protein for all whey protein-based products. From IsaLean® Shakes to Isagenix Snacks™ and Whey Thins™, our whey is unlike anything else you have ever seen, tasted or purchased.

Quality whey protein is produced by happy cows. Our whey is exclusively sourced from pasture-fed dairy cows in New Zealand. These cows roam in luscious fields, naturally grazing on nutrient-rich grass without hormones or antibiotics.

happy cow

Most dairy cows are fed a mixture of unnatural foodstuffs including grains, pesticide-laden corn, potato waste, soy cakes, poultry carcasses and meat processing waste. They are kept in confined spaces so that they fatten up quicker and are given a host of hormones to make their mammary glands bigger. The antibiotics they are given may even contribute to the antibiotic resistance that is now being seen in humans.

Unlike other dairy operations that keep their cows pregnant so that they continuously produce milk, our New Zealand cows are milked seasonally. This means that they are only milked when they are naturally pregnant. Seasonal milking results in milk that is richer in nutrients.

Once the milk has been harvested, it is filtered through a very difficult and painstaking process. The end result is powerful, but fragile, whey containing biologically active peptides. These peptides contribute to the exceptionally high protein levels in Isagenix® products. Conventional whey goes through acid treatment and high-heat filtering that destroys these same precious peptides.

Experience the Isagenix® undenatured whey protein difference by trying any one of our whey products for weight loss, muscle gain, healthy living and healthy aging. We are confident that you will be able to taste the difference and see results faster than you ever thought possible. Contact Jill Bauman today for more information about undenatured whey protein.