
It is important that each and every one of us are vigilant about following compliance. We work for an amazing company and together we must protect this our products that have changed our health and financial future.


Please remember that:

1. When sharing HEALTH results, the easiest way to stay compliant is to reference either time frame OR amount of weight lost, weight gained or body fat % change.

Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

Be accurate
Don’t be misleading
Don’t exaggerate or guarantee results

2. When sharing an INCOME result, make sure you acknowledge what was done to earn the income, for example, sharing the products with people to help them impact their health. We are entreperneurs and this is our profession. It required dedication and daily actions to earn income and we cannot imply otherwise.

Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

Be accurate
Don’t be misleading
Don’t exaggerate or guarantee results

3. When talking about the business opportunity, make sure you reference the products in EVERY single conversation and post.

4. Isagenix is just FOOD which means we can’t state or imply that it cures, prevents, treats or diagnoses ANY medical condition. That said, premium nutrition is a great way to support your body in functioning at its best.

Take a few moments to review these short Compliance pieces. It’s so easy to get excited and carried away when we’re telling others about how great Isagenix makes us feel but we need to be careful to create realistic expectations.

helpful tips symbol


How To Protect Your Isagenix Business? [3 mins]

Compliance Video – Sharing Isagenix The Right Way. [5 mins]