Isagenix Millionaires

Jill Bauman is our friend and business partner.

Jill’s Isagenix® journey led her to lose 30 pounds in just the first two months of drinking Isagenix® shakes. Not only did she lose weight, but her energy levels dramatically increased, letting her enjoy many of the activities she had previously given up. Her incredible transformation prompted Jill to spread the word about these safe and effective products to her friends, family and extended network.Jill’s Isagenix® journey led her to lose 30 pounds in just the first two months of drinking Isagenix® shakes. Not only did she lose weight, but her energy levels dramatically increased, letting her enjoy many of the activities she had previously given up. Her incredible transformation prompted Jill to spread the word about these safe and effective products to her friends, family and extended network.


Dynamic Duo Jumps on Fast Track to Success & Become Millionaires

Herb & Patty (3)

When Herb and Patty of New York set a goal of earning the distinguished recognition of 5-Star Golden Circle within the first 10 months of starting their Isagenix® business, they were not quite sure just what they had committed to. While others thought this was a “lofty” goal, their commitment, perseverance and hard work paid off. Because they’re “so fired up,” the couple achieved their goals and are now Isagenix Millionaires, too.


ER Nurse Jump-Starts Life with Isagenix


26 year old ER Nurse and mom of two Cayla C. wasn’t looking for a business when her friend Danielle T. started sharing details about Isagenix with her.“She told me her sister Kelley was doing it and I basically just said ‘I’ll do whatever you’re doing,’” laughs Cayla.


Aussie Student Becomes a Successful CEO


At 24, Peta K. has earned more in one year than most people make in a lifetime. But, that success hasn’t come without a few sacrifices.Before jump-starting her Isagenix® business in August 2012, Peta deferred her graduate-level studies to open an integrated wellness business. Her determination to get her wellness business off the ground left her feeling exhausted, bloated and riddled with anxiety. That’s when her best friend, Jo, introduced her to Isagenix. Within two weeks, Peta noticed a significant improvement in her overall health.“That’s also when I started sharing my experience with my clients without realizing I was beginning to build my Isagenix business,” explains Peta.


Husband and Wife Duo Balance Family and Business


Five years ago Shawn and Kari-Lyn were trading serious time for dollars. Shawn was a top executive in corporate sales traveling three weeks out of the month, while Kari-Lyn was juggling a graphic design business and two kids, essentially on her own.

The couple started to look deeper into the Isagenix® business opportunity when they started getting paid just by sharing their results of renewed energy and weight loss.